In 1890 the NSW Geological Survey appointed one of its geologists as "Inspector of Caves". This position lasted until 1914; the two men who filled it were WS Leigh and then Oliver Trickett. This was an active period or cave investigation, with new discoveries in the well known Jenolan, Wombeyan and Yarrangobilly cave systems. It was realised that cave tourism had become an important source of revenue.
Leigh and fellow geologist Robert Etheridge began to visit other places where caves had been reported to check out their potential. Amongst these were Belubula, Bendethera, Bungonia and Kybean.
Located in the far south east of NSW Kybean was a place hardly known at the time. Not much has changed and it is still off the beaten track.
This geological map comes from the 1892 report. You can find it in DIGS by searching for "Kybean Caves". Caves are shown by small circles and all are in the  northern part of the outcrops.
I was unable to locate and published images of the outcrops or the contents of the caves,
From the Annual Report of the Department of Mines and Agriculture 1891 page 281 by WS Leigh.
"Kybean Caves
After thoroughly exploring these caves, and obtaining a collection of fossil bones therefrom, it was thought advisable on account of their small extent to remove the man placed temporarily in charge. An
area of land embracing the limestone has been reserved."

From the Records of the Geological Survey of NSW Vol 3 1892-93 p 21

From a report on the limestone at Kybean by Dickson and Dawood (1969)
"The limestone is not very extensive but it has an extremely high calcium carbonate percentage. It's remote location and small size precludes mining at this time.
The rock is poorly fossiliferous, crinoid stem fragments being the most abundant. It has not been possible to adequately date the formation of the rock, all that has been concluded is that it probably formed between late Ordovician and lower Devonian time."

Song Studies. Bible studies based on hymns and songs
Shoalhaven District Geology.


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