ROSEBROOK CAVES The Rosebrook Caves have been formed in an extensive belt of limestone (the Bunyan Limestone) a few km north-west of Cooma in southern NSW. The caves described below are located in the northern part of the outcrop. Some of karst features in the limestone appear to be quite ancient. Fossils are relatively rare. The first mention of Rosebrook Caves that I have found was in the DailyTelegraph (Sydney) Tuesday 26th January 1892. " CAVES DISCOVERED NEAR COOMA , Monday. Last week a few persons descended a hole on Rosebrook Station, six miles from Cooma, From Carne & Jones. The cave is under the M of "Woolumla" which has been known for years,in the hope of finding a cave. After descending about 60ft. they came to a chamber 30ft. high by 20ft. wide by 40ft. long. The cave was surrounded by splendid formations of stalagmites and stalactites, many of which were accid...