ASHFORD CA VES From the Ashford Tourism website The Ashford limestone caves are located about 20km north-west of the town of Ashford, between Inverell and the Queensland border. What was once a crown reserve (set apart in 1915) is now part of the Kwiambal National Park (pronounced Kiamble), best known for the spectacular MacIntyre Falls , near which is a delightful camping area at Lemon Tree Flat. Picnic and toilet facilities are also provided at the caves. These caves are not in the same league as the well-known show caves at Jenolan, Wombeyan and Yarrangobilly, in fact there are very few speleothems (decorations) to be found. What you will find is bats, guano (bat droppings) and a sense of adventure as you explore the unknown (to you) cave system. If you would like to read a fascinating account of “ An Excursion to the Severn River and the Wallangra Caves ” dating from 1892 ( here ) you will appreciate that some things have not changed, but others have c...